Welcome To CGBC: Canadians Assisting Canadian Businesses




Canadian Grants Business Center helps small and medium businesses with Government grants, loans, subsidies and financing assistance needs.

Don't be overwhelmed by the information at your disposal. CGBC makes sense of all the information available and will point you in the right direction.

Canadian Grants Business Center educates Canadians on funding programs that are offered through Government services that most businesses are unaware of. We can show you what funding programs, subsidies, and government grants are available and how to go about obtaining them. There are programs in many forms of Government grants, loans, subsidies and resources which you can apply for and many

"Never Have To Be Paid Back!"

CGBC, let our highly trained counselors act on your behalf by aiding you in your endeavor of researching all funding possibilities to meet your business needs. Committing ourselves to enable Canadian entrepreneurs to enjoy the successful financial freedom they deserve! The Government sets aside Billions yearly to inspire the Canadian dream and to enhance the economy.

You may be eligible for a government grant or loan funding to help your business grow and succeed.

Our support will make the difference in your success.

CGBC would like to share a few ideas on what is available for Start-up and Existing Businesses. You can apply for a Canadian business grant/government grants for:

  • Growth Potential
  • Capital Investment
  • Recruiting Employment
  • Agricultural Expansion
  • Acquiring Business Real Estate
  • Marketing Ideas & Securing Patents
  • Sponsoring Research and Development
  • Expenditure on Start-up or Existing Business

CGBC can get you the assistance that you are entitled to. Apply for all government grants you may qualify for, including business grants. On a daily basis, there is funding and financial assistance awarded to many Business Sectors including Farming, Manufacturing, Energy, Services, Retail and more.

Government Grants and funding are applied on a case by case basis. When all funds are exhausted, then you will have to wait for the next fiscal period. We strongly recommend that you don't delay. Don’t wait to Apply today!


Contact us now to find out more!

Funding Programs for Canadian Farmers.

The Canadian Government has recently updated the funding framework for farms and agri-businesses for 2024 and beyond.

Under current guidelines producers of various agricultural commodities have a variety of funding options at their disposal. As an established farm owner, or a new entrant into a particular sector, it is equally important to take full advantage of the programs that have been put into place by both the Canadian Federal and Provincial Governments.

Of particular interest to farmers should be the targeted programs for particular geographic areas. Some of the areas of focus for programs include the Provinces of Manitoba, Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Ontario.

Farmers looking to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the latest funding programs are encouraged to contact the Canadian Grants Business Center directly:

Click here to contact us now!

Funding Programs for New Businesses

If you are starting a new business in the next 6 months, or have recently started a business, you need to access the newly updated programs for Winter 2024. Make sure to get the current and updated information for programs for your business.

Click here to contact us now!

Funding for Red Seal Trades

The government has released updated programs for entrepreneurs in the red-seal trades. We are in the process of updating the program database to reflect the changes for Spring 2024.

Contact us now to access the information on programs for Contractors, Electricians, Plumbers and Other Red Seal trades. Get a leg up on the latest programs. Let us help you to get funding to grow your business now.


Click here to contact us now!



Canada Government Business Grants News

Starting a New Construction Business

Winter 2024

If you have experience and training in the construction field, you may be able to use your skills to start your own construction company. Being an entrepreneur gives you the freedom to pick your own working hours and answer to yourself. A new construction company will require careful preparation to make sure you succeed in a competitive market and comply with business regulations.

Step 1: Rules and regulations

The most stressful part of the construction industry can be all the rules that need to be followed. You will need to check with your local regulatory body that governs the construction industry in your area. They will be able to tell you what permits are required and how to register your company and apply and pay for any licenses and certifications. Like any business, you will be required to register or incorporate with your province's registrar of companies.

Step 2: Simple Business Plan

Any new business needs a simple business plan. This business plan will be your blueprint to get your company up and running. This plan will include your business milestones and how you plan to reach each milestone. You will have a part of the plan that will address all your financial needs, your client target niche, required assets, and marketing plans.

Step 3: Financing

If you only have some of the money to start your business, you will require financing to start your business. Your business plan will help you obtain government grants, loans, and financing as well as financing from financial institutions. Obtaining financing is an important part of starting any business.

Step 4: Invest in the Tools to Run your Company

Look at what you currently have to leverage and be prepared to purchase any more equipment to perform your work, this includes, any tools, equipment or vehicles you may need.

Step 5: Marketing

Marketing is a key step in getting your construction business known and to appeal to your client niche. Always offer discounts to your first few clients, to get the ball rolling and word of mouth referrals.  Use various media, such as the internet and flyers. Offer free estimates as this will get you that crucial first interaction with potential new customers.

When you are ready to find financing for your business, the Canadian Grants Business Center can help.

Contact us now to find out more!

Three Important Things Business Owners Forget To Do.

Starting your own company may be the best thing you ever do. Before you open your business, you could spend countless hours speaking to accountants, lawyers, and other professionals figuring out your next steps. Here are four things that every business owners need to get straight, and some forget to do. Don't get bogged down fixing a mistake that will cost you countless hours, make sure you get these things right from the get-go:


1. Own Your Business Name.

The company name you choose should be an available DBA and Internet domain name. Start by searching the internet to see if anyone else is using your chosen name. You can then check online at the company registrar for your province to see if a name is available. Failure to properly obtain a DBA could cause you all sorts of headaches, and wasting the time and energy you invested in establishing your name.

2. Know How Much It Costs To Live.

When you start your business plan, you must remember to pay yourself first. You need to take into account your cost of living: Rent, mortgages, and personal bills cost real money and don't just pay themselves. You can often save money by reducing unnecessary personal expenses. Don't forget to account for unforeseen or unexpected expenses. Always factor a little flexibility into your budget for those “unforeseen” moments.

3. Don't Spend Too Much, Or Too Little.

Starting a business can be incredibly demanding on you and your finances. It's important to realize where and when to spend your money.  It’s important not to waste your start-up dollars, but sometimes it’s more important to know where to spend where necessary. In any business, you have to spend money to make money.  Don’t skimp out on the things your business needs. It may be worth it to pay a professional thousands to help you do things yourself, but perhaps you don't need to buy a new desk. Don't let technology pass you by: there are many time-saving programs and apps that you can use to keep things running smoothly and organized.

We all know, “time is money.”

When you are ready to start your business, the Canadian Grants Business Center can help.

Contact us now to find out more!

Best Industries for Funding 2024

Many entrepreneurs in Canada are looking to start or expand a business in 2024. A question that is often asked is:

What sorts of businesses are a good choice to start and grow in 2024?

This is a common question with an intuitive answer: Ultimately, the best business for an entrepreneur to start or invest in is the business that they know. The best advice as always been to do what you know. It's always a good idea to use the knowledge and skills you already possess, rather than adding additional complexities to the business idea. There will be many opportunities to learn and grow even in an industry that you have a good understanding of.

Whether you are interested in expanding your farm, starting a new red seal trade business, or expanding your restaurant, when you are ready to look for funding from various government sources contact Canadian Grants Business Center at:

When you are ready to find financing for your business, the Canadian Grants Business Center can help.

Contact us now to find out more!



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